It has been requested to have the ability to copy leads for specific customers. It would be nice to also have the option to copy related records (eg. cost codes, prime contract, POs, subcontracts, etc)
Required Selection: Customer Copy Wizard Steps: Project Directory Drawings including files (Source and Target Project files would be separate.) Specifications including files Cost Codes Prime Contract (Customer would be replaced with selection abo...
Is there a way to unarchive a lead (or project) from the "Lead Home" (or "Project Home)"page? Currently leads and projects appear to be only unarchivable by unchecking the box on the "Leads" or "Projects" page. In the past there used to be a check...
Make the "Project Estimated Start and Finish Date" Required When Editing Lead Info
The Project Estimated Start and Finish Date fields are very important for giving end users a sense of direction regarding a lead. Within the current environment, this field isn't required, leading to potentially misleading or absent information do...
For larger projects, there are are often many meetings with the client prior to us being awarded the job. It would be extremely helpful if the Meetings tools were also available under Leads the same way the are under Projects.
Notes section in Leads/Projects with User Tagging Capability
Communication amongst team members is vital when it comes to managing a project/lead. Being able to house that in a centralized location in the lead/project would be really nice. Also, being able to tag one or more team members to the note so they...