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Unable to Delete Cost Code when Employee Clocked in using that cost code

When helping customers clean up their cost codes lists after implementation, we ran into an issue trying to delete a cost code from the project. If an employee has clocked in using that cost code, we have no way to delete the cost code until the e...
Guest about 2 months ago in Clock-In / Clock-Out / Job Cost Codes 0 Future consideration

Internal Notes to All Modules

As teams grow, divisions grow and we are working remotely, it is helpful to be able to leave internal notes at every step of the way. Having an Internal Notes section in every module would allow improved communication.
Victoria Edenfield Hurd about 2 months ago in Correspondence / UI User Interface Enhancements 0 Future consideration

Form builder

Clients are looking for the ability to build checklists with more options and/or safety forms that can be accessed for employees to complete. Checklists with more options than checked. Inspection reports for equipment often need to be completed da...
Sue Parker 3 months ago in Safety 1 Future consideration

Project Number and name Display

When in a particular project, only the number of the project is visible at the top of the screen. It would be helpful for our field employees if they could see the project number and project name to confirm they are in the correct project.
Guest 10 months ago in Sage CM Mobile 0 Future consideration

Push Classifications to Intacct. Project Type on the Project Record for example.

Project type is extremely useful for filtering and reporting in Intacct and as the field is native in both systems can it be pushed. The other classifications would also be useful.
Matthew Carlisle 10 months ago in Accounting Link for Sage Intacct 1 Future consideration

DRAWINGS-Add field for hyperlinks

User would like to be able to insert a hyperlink into a field that can be used to store drawings in outside cloud storage, so drawings within this storage location would benefit from features within that outside storage including opening drawings ...
Chris Donatelli about 1 year ago in Drawings / UI User Interface Enhancements 1 Planned

Permit Expiration Alert

It would be great if permit expiration date was noted on the Project Alert Calendar and Team Open Items.
Kenani Brandon about 1 year ago in Alerts and Calendars / Permits 0 Future consideration

Hyperlink in Sage Intacct that goes to Sage CM record

Create a field in sage intacct, that field gets populated with record specific url for the sage cm record. This would allow someone who is in sage intacct to open up the record in sage cm to see any linked files or additional information.
Jack Speshock 7 months ago in Accounting Link for Sage Intacct / Linked Files (Projects) 1 Future consideration

Sliding Scale retention (retainage)

Most contracts in New Zealand and Australia that have retention held are not a flat percentage being held across the contract. The common rules are NZ 10% up to $200,000 then 5% next $800,000 and 1.75% next $8,000,000 then nothing after that AUS 1...
Tim Smith about 1 year ago in Prime Contracts / Prime Invoices / Retention Retainage Holdback / Subcontract Invoices / Subcontracts 2 Future consideration

work order items change resource type to LMESO option

When inputting work order items, they automatically show as M - Materials for resource type even though they could be Labor, Materials, Equipment, Sub, Other to have the ability to change to one of those options and to reflect when viewing the wor...
Ariel Johannes 5 months ago in Work Orders 3 Future consideration