Could you add an invoice view screen when someone is converting an invoice? I currently have to open up another tab to look at the image of the invoice. It would be nice if it already did that while converting.
Currently you can email a purchase order to a vendor. What is lacking is the ability to be able to email the approved purchase order to our Superintendents so that they can either pick up goods or order the materials etc.
Could system default tax codes be added rather than relying on users remembering to set default JCC tax rates. In New Zealand and Australia primarily using Xero and QBO tax rates are needed to sync to the financial package and when this gets misse...
Upload updated Word and Email templates instead of having to delete and redo
Any time you update a template you have to delete the existing one and upload a new one where you have to rechoose the Feature and redo the name of the template. It can become quite time consuming where it might just be a small update to the templ...
Please add a feature where we can see the attached images for the punch list items in the punch list item view. Currently, you need too many clicks to see the image (s) related to the punch list item.
Required Selection: Customer Copy Wizard Steps: Project Directory Drawings including files (Source and Target Project files would be separate.) Specifications including files Cost Codes Prime Contract (Customer would be replaced with selection abo...
Add a messaging application for internal project use
Instead of having to use external messaging applications (imessage, WhatsApp, Slack, etc) have an internal messaging app so the communication stays within the system and can be referenced in future if required.