Restrict sending of POs, Subcontracts, Prime Invoices, SCOs, etc prior to approval
With workflow enabled, it is still possible to download and/or send POs, Subcontracts, SCOs, etc prior to approval. Ideally, the ability to download and send these documents would be restricted until approved.
Adding Existing Company to Project from PO and Subcontract - Not Returning to Record Creation when Added
Currently from within the PO and Subcontract entry, when "Adding Existing Company to Project Directory" from a PO or Subcontract, it does not return to the record you started. It goes back to Procurement where you have to select either Purchase Or...
Currently when you make a company "Inactive" and there had been a previous subcontract or purchase order, that subcontract or PO record is no longer visible in the procurement views. There should be an option to deactivate and allow the record to ...
It would be very helpful to see and reference the budget amount for the given costcode(s) that are being subcontracted on the procurement documents. Is this possible to do now?
Custom Fields - Companies, Contacts, Leads, Projects, Prime Contracts, and Subcontracts
It would be really helpful to be able to add custom fields to leads/projects records to hold information that is not in the system out of the box. For example, maybe we need to specify a gate code for a project address so that we can make it to th...
Project Title and Prime Contract Title on Subcontract
We would like the Project Title and Prime Contract Title on Subcontract. When we are going through a workflow to approve it we cannot tell what project it is for.
Add Resource on Subcontracts other than S and Unbillable
Sometimes Subcontractors also supply material. Allow each cost code line item to include a Resource and if it is Billable or Unbillable for a Cost Plus contract. We might have a sub do some correction work we don't want the owner to be billed for.
Have the ability to adjust the amount due to rounding differences. Currently, you can only adjust the percentage held on the total invoice but it then calculates and rounds per job cost code so you can end up with a rounding difference. This ideal...
New Options in red. Revised Prime Contract Status Options: Draft Pending Submission Pending Approved Not Approved Approved and Signed Approved and Site Activity Complete Approved and Closed Revised Subcontract Status Options: Draft Pending Submiss...