Additional disciplines need to be added for drawing upload descriptions. At a minimum, there should be ones that say MECHANICALS COMBINED, FIRE PROTECTION, TECHNOLOGY, INTERIORS, and FOOD SERVICE. These are common everyday designations for drawing sets in the construction industry.
We are needing the ability to download all sub invoice pencil draws that the GC created at one time in order to genterate a pay app package for the bank. It is currently taking to long to go into each sub invoice and generate report and download t...
ITB Vendor Messages - Default View To Show ALL messages
It would be helpful to have ALL (read and unread) messages display in the default view on the ITB Vendor Messages tab. You have to check the Show Only Unread Messages checkbox to display the unread ones.
Uploading videos to an ITB should go under photos rather than drawings.
Please allow photos to take .mov uploads so that we can have videos and photos of the space to be in the same area, rather than needed to upload videos under drawings. This should help keep more similar items grouped.
Procore users wanting to leave that application want the hot link and zoom to details features that Procore offers as well as the collaboration piece of alerting a user to a note on the drawing.
Sue Parker
9 months ago
in Drawings
Future consideration
Allow for multiple classification code selection instead of one at a time
Right now adding vendors to ITBs is painstakingly slow. One code at a time? Should be able to drill down to the minor level on all your contacts and select multiple classification codes to choose from your contacts to invite. Reduce the number of ...
New Wizard to notify external team members about Drawing and Specification Revisions using the Journals feature
Wizard Steps: Enter Email Subject and select Journal Type (eg. Drawing Rev Notification) Select one or more drawing files (eg. PDFs) Select one or more specification files (eg. PDFs) Select one or more recipients using Lead Directory, ITB Director...
Add Approver/Rejector Name and Date to stamp in drawings
Currently, the stamp in drawings is just a box with text that says "Approved","Rejected", etc. Can we also have it show the details of who approved/rejected as well as a timestamp?
Automatically separate drawing PDF into separate sheets with hyperlinked log
Hello. It is important to track changes to each drawing as they may get changed one at a time or several at a time, or all so history and the current version are both accessible. A self-generating log with hyperlinks would be a great accompaniment...