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Mergefield PrimeInvOriginalItems

For Original Contract Items Retainage Total
Matthew Carlisle 3 days ago in Detail Report Templates 2 Future consideration

Sage Estimating Integration

Create a way to import estimates from Sage Estimating to SCM either on the Lead or Project or both.
Adrianna Johnson 3 days ago in Estimating, RFP, Proposals (Pre-Construction) 0 Future consideration

Email checklists

Allow to email the checklist assignment to the assignees.
Guest about 15 hours ago in  0 Needs review

Purchase Order (PO) and Subcontract Close - Automated Change Order Process

It would be helpful to have a purchase order and subcontract close process to automatically create a deductive change order and change the status to Closed. You would run it from the Actions dropdown in either area. It would then give you a list o...
Adam Clark 19 days ago in Purchase Orders / Subcontracts 0 Future consideration

Cell / Mobile Phone Column

Can we have a column in Project Directory for cell phone numbers? Can only see this on the Teamlink side.
Amanda Amason 15 days ago in Contact Management / Project Directory / UI User Interface Enhancements 0 Future consideration

Should be able to open Expenses or Bills in new Tab

You Should be able to open Expenses or Bills, Timecards etc in new tab. Can make changes and then go back to your list and make more changes
Guest 8 days ago in Workflow 5 Already exists

AccountingLink Posting Preferences Export/Import Function (Backup)

It would be helpful if there were a way to import/export your AccountingLink posting preferences. For implementers, this is especially helpful if you have connected to Intacct implementation environment and are planning on disconnecting and then c...
Adam Clark 19 days ago in Accounting Links 0 Future consideration

Two Subs w/Same Company Name

SCM should allow us to have two companies in two different locations (city, st, etc.). We may have a Bob's Glass, Inc. in San Francisco & in Chicago. This does NOT already exist. See attachment.
Amanda Amason 24 days ago in Companies 1 Already exists

Additional fields for anticipated cost

it would be really helpful if there were a few more field on each line for anticipated cost entry, like vendor name and date anticipated for the cost.
Brandon Dahn 21 days ago in Anticipated Costs / Feature Settings 2 Future consideration

Export PO lines separately

It would be very helpful if PO and Subcontract lines items would be exported to Intacct just the way they are entered into SCM. Currently any line items that have the same cost code all get lumped into one line. We constantly have multiple lines w...
Brandon Dahn 28 days ago in Accounting Link for Sage Intacct / Purchase Orders / Subcontract Invoices 0 Future consideration