Default Email Template - Delivery Date Field Information (Purchase Orders)
This was previously submitted as a ticket [#25354] to Sage Support This fix is for any users that utilize the Copy PO function to create a new purchase order. Currently, the Default Delivery date field does not copy over the date from the prior PO...
The ability to see the Equipment Type in the Equipment list
From the Menu >Equipment > Equipment Stats > Equipment Items Have the ability to: Add columns: Equipment Type & Location Filter by: columns Equipment Type & Location Otherwise in Settings (Global) what is the point of Settings >...
Intacct new employee ID creation upon export of employee from SCM
When creating a new employee and exporting to Intacct, Intacct uses an SCM-auto-generated number as the Employee ID. It completely ignores the Employee ID in SCM or the auto-numbering sequence set in Time & Expenses configuration. It would be ...
Display Sage Intacct Customer/Vendor ID in company code field
In contact management, have the sage intacct customer/vendor id display in the company code field, even if it is read only based on the linking in the accoutinglink this would give better visbility.
Please make available again the "lock" icon in the Misc. Expenses overview page to indicate that an expense is lock. This used to happen on the previous version. Having this helps keep track of expenses that have been reconciled and can be reviewe...