Allow for AR & AP invoices to sync from Intacct for updating job costs vs. GL transactions. This would allow for more detail in job costing as well as updating invoiced amounts on contracts, purchase orders, and subcontracts. Right now for tho...
Allow for more granular settings in controlling which fields sync to SCM from Intacct
In our scenario. this idea pertains specifically to employee information, but it could be broadened to a more general scope regarding the integration. When syncing employees from Intacct to SCM, there are certain fields that we would prefer not to...
Automatic Reminders for overdue items requested from Subs/Vendors/Clients/Architects
It would be nice for Sage to send out auto reminders to vendors that for example, a submittal was due yesterday, and then again the next day until it is marked in the system. I know you can run a report to see whats open and manually send a remind...
A big timesaver would be the option to right click on links within sage CM and press 'Open in new tab' currently, this is not an option that shows up on a right click.
James Arrowsmith
about 1 year ago
in Other
Future consideration
When a submittal is created, the system should have the ability to sent out email notificatons automatically each day until the responded responds to the submittal.
Adding Existing Company to Project from PO and Subcontract - Not Returning to Record Creation when Added
Currently from within the PO and Subcontract entry, when "Adding Existing Company to Project Directory" from a PO or Subcontract, it does not return to the record you started. It goes back to Procurement where you have to select either Purchase Or...
Currently when you make a company "Inactive" and there had been a previous subcontract or purchase order, that subcontract or PO record is no longer visible in the procurement views. There should be an option to deactivate and allow the record to ...