Be able to rename a work order to something else, for example my Masonry client receives Purchase Orders from the County which are really Work Orders. The client would like to rename work order to purchase order to not have confusion for their team.
Adding Existing Company to Project from PO and Subcontract - Not Returning to Record Creation when Added
Currently from within the PO and Subcontract entry, when "Adding Existing Company to Project Directory" from a PO or Subcontract, it does not return to the record you started. It goes back to Procurement where you have to select either Purchase Or...
Currently when you make a company "Inactive" and there had been a previous subcontract or purchase order, that subcontract or PO record is no longer visible in the procurement views. There should be an option to deactivate and allow the record to ...
When a submittal is created, the system should have the ability to sent out email notificatons automatically each day until the responded responds to the submittal.
Having the Project team groups as an option in the contact list for a project so we can send all correspondence to a Project team group instead of induvial clicking them or a separate message for each contractor . e.g. RFI's, Transmittal, issues,
Brendon Rohde
11 months ago
in Project Groups / RFI
Future consideration
It would be very helpful to see and reference the budget amount for the given costcode(s) that are being subcontracted on the procurement documents. Is this possible to do now?
Log of emails that is Sage CM wide for admins to review
To see how many emails were successfully or unsuccessfully sent from & to. If there was an issue with the email address, how many emails were sent to a contact etc. Basically on a mass scale rather per PO or invoice, including outbound emails.