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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Projects
Created by Misty Toulouse
Created on Mar 18, 2024

Insurance Expiring Alert

An alert needs to be sent out to someone that can be set as an insurance manager letting them know that the subcontractors insurance is about to expire on their project.

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  • Mark Cadman
    Apr 1, 2024

    Hi Lesley,

    Which report are you referring to? If the information is incorrect, can you email since this may be a bug.

    Thank you

  • Lesley Thomson
    Apr 1, 2024

    Another suggestion would be to create a Dashboard for managing the vendors in Sage.

    Or possibly building off/adding to the current Active Company filters-

    The current filters in the Contact Management tab do not have enough options. For example - the only date filters available are for when a contact was "entered" or "modified". It would be beneficial for example, if you were able to filter by all projects coming up with expiring insurance in May 2024. The current report that can be run does not pull accurate information since the Corecon/Sage integration.

  • Lesley Thomson
    Apr 1, 2024

    I would suggest that an alert is sent out to the insurance manager 7 days prior to the insurance expiring. The alerts should include job specific expiring insurances as well as vendor specific, for companies that issue blanket COI's vs per project.

    Also, an alert should be sent if any Subcontracts/PO's are issued to a vendor with expired or no insurance on file. The insurance manager is not always aware that PM's are issuing contracts to vendors that may not have a current COI on file.

    I have found that the Active Company Insurance Log does not always pull a full report in the date range that I specify. Having auto alerts sent would be much more efficient and accurate.