Subcontract Issued to Project Owner for approval before the subcontractor approves.
Our current workflow is to have the owner/owner's rep sign the subcontract report. This authorizes us as the contractor to then contract with the subcontractor for the value they have presented against the budget. Is there a way to have the Issued...
Project Name and Number need to be at the top of each and every page, especially when going into the reports. It makes navigating impossible otherwise
With many tabs and reports open, if you look away for a min. you have no idea which project you are even looking at anymore and have to start the process over, or sort through to find your originating tab.
Add ability to edit timecards by changing the clock in/clock out time
Pretty much every paid time keeping service has this very simple function where the admin can go in and fix clock in/out times if an employee had an error. The fact that we are only able to change the amount of time worked is really not useful in ...
After sub bills are entered and initiated which sends them to the Project Manager, It would be helpful if they are rejected by the PM that they can remain in Sage as rejected so there is a "paper trail". The funds initially allocated to that invoi...
New Global Markup Distribute/Hide Option (New): Distribute Global Markup Across All Cost Codes (Hidden) Show Global Markup at bottom of Proposal Show Global Markup in particular Cost Code Section (This would require the user to select a cost code.)