Restrict sending of POs, Subcontracts, Prime Invoices, SCOs, etc prior to approval
With workflow enabled, it is still possible to download and/or send POs, Subcontracts, SCOs, etc prior to approval. Ideally, the ability to download and send these documents would be restricted until approved.
You cannot add change proposal requests to a pending prime contract change order. Should be able to add using the action command within the prime contract change order itself and also using the prime contract change order wizard (a new dropdown fo...
Add "Finish Date With COs" field from Prime Contract to available bookmarks in document templates.
We would like to be able to pull the "Finish Date with COs" field from the Prime Contract module into the Detail Report Templates as a bookmark. This is especially useful for us on our CO template as we would like to have an updated Finish date ba...
New Options in red. Revised CPR Status Options: Draft Pending Submission Pending Approved Not Approved Approved and Signed Revised CO Status Options: Draft Pending Submission Pending Approved Not Approved Approved and Signed Approved and Site Acti...
Markup for CPR/CO and Cost Plus have Resource selection
Currently for CPR/CO markups it applies the same markup across all resources. This becomes problematic when you have an agreed labour rate so you don't want any markup on labour so you have to recalculate the markup yourself. Could Resource select...
Currently you can create Subcontracts and PO's by various means. Would be helpful to be able to create a Work Order from a Change Order. Many Work Orders are generated as a result of a Change Order being created either manually or via estimate. If...
Dawn Parents
12 months ago
in CO / CPR / Work Orders
Future consideration
There is an area in the CPR module that you can enter the Proposal Completion Due Date. We need this to appear on the CPR report we send to our Owners. Please make a bookmark that would allow us to add this to our custom reports so Owners know whe...