Improved Accessibility of RFI and Submittals for Entire Project
In our World, it is important that the entire project team (all vendors) are able to see all of the projects RFI's in the portal. A lot lot of the times, other trades that are not the originator or respondent are affected by an RFI answer, so they...
A typical workflow would be to create a change proposal request from a request for information. It would be beneficial to have that option added from the request for information.
Adam Clark
about 1 year ago
in CO / RFI
Future consideration
Many ask for auto notifications of an email. Example email sub that COI expires in 7 days. Auto notification that their bill is due the 25th of the month. Auto email that a document RFI/submittal is past due. Many, many requests for these type of ...
When a submittal is created, the system should have the ability to sent out email notificatons automatically each day until the responded responds to the submittal.
Having the Project team groups as an option in the contact list for a project so we can send all correspondence to a Project team group instead of induvial clicking them or a separate message for each contractor . e.g. RFI's, Transmittal, issues,
Brendon Rohde
11 months ago
in Project Groups / RFI
Future consideration
Viewing Submittals Organized By Originator In TeamLink Portal
Being able to view all of a projects submittals in the TeamLink Portal by originator would be useful for organizational purposes and ease of access for the users to see which submittals pertain to them as well as the submittal list as a whole. Thi...