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Retention Retainage Holdback

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Ability to Hold Retainage % on Purchase Orders (POs)

Please see also SAGECM-I-445. The request from John Masterson included a request to add the ability or option to hold retention on Procurement Purchase Orders similar to the way it is held on Procurement Subcontracts. This request separates the or...
David Holler 7 months ago in Procurement / Retention Retainage Holdback 1 Future consideration

Prime Retainage Options

There needs to be an option to select the amount of retainage for each line on the prime rather then the all or nothing option selected before hand. Each prime line is different and one may have retainage while another line may not.
Guest 4 months ago in Job Cost Codes / Prime Invoices / Retention Retainage Holdback 1 Future consideration

Ability to assign different retainage percentage to each prime contract line item

In Intacct, you can assign varying percentages to contract line items. e.g., Contract Line Item #1 might have a set retainage value of 10%, while Contract Line Item #2 might have a set retainage value of %5. In SCM you can assign a default retaina...
Adam Clark over 1 year ago in Prime Contracts / Retention Retainage Holdback 3 Future consideration

Sliding Scale retention (retainage)

Most contracts in New Zealand and Australia that have retention held are not a flat percentage being held across the contract. The common rules are NZ 10% up to $200,000 then 5% next $800,000 and 1.75% next $8,000,000 then nothing after that AUS 1...
Tim Smith about 1 year ago in Prime Contracts / Prime Invoices / Retention Retainage Holdback / Subcontract Invoices / Subcontracts 2 Future consideration


It is industry standard to withhold retainage on subcontracts, the check stubs should reflect this amount being withheld - identifying it clearly as retainage.
Guest 8 months ago in Retention Retainage Holdback / Subcontract Invoices 1 Future consideration