Adding Outlook calendar invites to the Meeting Invitation
When a CM Meeting is sent there is no Outlook invite sent along with it to add to the desktop outlook calendar. I receive similar links from ProCore when getting invites from other contractors.
Can we setup in the system that the person that initiate the approval get notify when the document is approved? Right now we can see the status of the document in the main home page that we have the section for “Alert”/ “Workflow”. The person that...
Many ask for auto notifications of an email. Example email sub that COI expires in 7 days. Auto notification that their bill is due the 25th of the month. Auto email that a document RFI/submittal is past due. Many, many requests for these type of ...
Automatic Reminders for overdue items requested from Subs/Vendors/Clients/Architects
It would be nice for Sage to send out auto reminders to vendors that for example, a submittal was due yesterday, and then again the next day until it is marked in the system. I know you can run a report to see whats open and manually send a remind...
When a submittal is created, the system should have the ability to sent out email notificatons automatically each day until the responded responds to the submittal.
Would like an alert to be triggered when a sub uploads a new insurance certificate and/or license via the Teamlink portal so the user knows this has happened and can review it.
In the alerts landing page, alerts only list minimal information. There are somethings that could be modified like allowing users to show the project name, not just the project ID.
Anyway to get notification bubblies like we do up in our alerts at the top right hand corner, on the Home screen so you know you have actionable in the Alerts, Workflow, or E-sign areas?