There is an area in the CPR module that you can enter the Proposal Completion Due Date. We need this to appear on the CPR report we send to our Owners. Please make a bookmark that would allow us to add this to our custom reports so Owners know whe...
Can we have the ability to choose if our vendors and/or clients are US $, CDN $ or otherwise? We deal with all and would like to be able to choose what currency we pay or invoice in!
It would be beneficial to either be able to customize or pick from preselected options that are more descriptive. For example, pending is very vague and doesn't give enough detail as to what is pending. A contract admin should be able to produce a...
Setting for Labour role on timesheet only changes billable rate
When add a labour role to a timesheet could there be a setting so this only changes the timecards billable rate and therefore costs will only come from the employess HR settings. When someone can be billed out as different roles doesn't mean their...
Time & Expense User - Ability to Add Photos (not through Daily Log)
Time & Expense Users seem to be able to add photos through a daily log. And I am aware of the "Automatically Link uploaded images to Photos" setting in Feature Settings. It would be helpful if they could add photos to the Project without using...
Some companies do not use sales contacts and would like to repurpose the field as a way to track the superintendent on the job. Another use for this would be to rename a date field to have another use.
Bills & Subcontracts to track tax as tax liability & exclude from subcontract items
We would like to track tax as a tax liability, but exclude it from subcontract items. So, we add the liability on the subcontract, and can bill against it, but it isn't included in the subcontract.
ADP and Paychex are the largest payroll vendors. you have an export to ADP, can you create an export function for paychex. please see the attached instructions from Paychex.