Add a messaging application for internal project use
Instead of having to use external messaging applications (imessage, WhatsApp, Slack, etc) have an internal messaging app so the communication stays within the system and can be referenced in future if required.
The copy submittal feature only works if you are using the auto-numbering sequencing as defined in the company settings. If you are customizing each submittal number, the copy submittal feature will not work or will result in a duplicate numbering...
Adam Clark
12 months ago
in Submittals
Future consideration
NZ/AUS need option to 'Schedule out' payment claims from subcontractors
In NZ/AUS we need the ability to adjust subcontractor payment claims (under subcontractor invoices) with comments as to why their claim was adjusted. There needs to be a comment field per line item, and a bookmark that references this in the mail ...
Submittals-2 Respondents In The Same Sequential Spot
Sometimes when sending out a Submittal the option of listing 2 people in the same sequencial position, let's say #2, so that one or the other can reply, but does not necessarily need to be both. The system does not currently allow for a hybrid of ...
Notes section in Leads/Projects with User Tagging Capability
Communication amongst team members is vital when it comes to managing a project/lead. Being able to house that in a centralized location in the lead/project would be really nice. Also, being able to tag one or more team members to the note so they...
CC component of ITB function sending you the email with the full CC list.
When bidding for ICAP projects we need proof that the email was actually sent to potentially hundreds of vendors (W/MBE). Having the one email sent to you showing ALL the vendors would be the best proof, and allow us to not have issues when being ...
RFI Detailed Report Bookmark When Schedule or Cost Impact is "To Be Decided"
When "To Be Decided" is selected for an RFI it populates as "False". We cannot send out an RFI that says "False" if we are asking for information that will give us direction on if there will be a cost or schedule impact. We need our paper trail to...
Create a CPR, CO, or SCO from an Correspondence > Issue
Issues have an Financial Impact field that acts as an estimate or sorts. This could easily convert to a CPR, CO, or SCO. This would also provide a continuous connection to supporting correspondence and documentation for the CPR, CO or SCO.
David Holler
about 1 year ago
in Issues
Future consideration