Improved Accessibility of RFI and Submittals for Entire Project
In our World, it is important that the entire project team (all vendors) are able to see all of the projects RFI's in the portal. A lot lot of the times, other trades that are not the originator or respondent are affected by an RFI answer, so they...
Viewing Submittals Organized By Originator In TeamLink Portal
Being able to view all of a projects submittals in the TeamLink Portal by originator would be useful for organizational purposes and ease of access for the users to see which submittals pertain to them as well as the submittal list as a whole. Thi...
Being able to have access to all of the RFIs through the TeamLink Portal would be useful so that all subcontractors/primes can see any new or useful information. All subcontractors/primes would benefit with this feature because they would be able ...
Export RFI PDF with linked files (photos, plan sketches, etc)
We add linked photos with mark-ups to an RFI in Sage. It would be helpful if Sage could export the RFI document itself along with the linked files as one document. Some project partners don't want to have a Sage login, and it takes multiple steps ...
Marc Macialek
4 months ago
in RFI
Already exists
Notice to Owner/Contractor (NTO) - Ability to Log and Report On
Notice to Owners are on almost every job and is currently manually tracked. It would be very useful to have the ability to record and track Notice to Owner/Contractor NTO, and report on Open/Final NTO's. Would have the date and reference# and a ch...
When initiating re-submittals the submittal items should copy over to the re-submission so you don't have to type out all the submittal items again. This is highly inconvenient and inefficient.
Micah Botica
5 months ago
in Submittals
Already exists