When a subcontract warrants retaining the retainage either in whole or partial for a subcontractor to cover damages, repairs by others, etc., there is not currently a way to account for that other than leaving an open balance in SAGE. It would be nice to be able to do a retainage change order to account for that hold and document why it was retained. I have not found any other way to close out a subcontract when holding back retainage.
Retainage does not need to be released 100%. The Sub Invoice Wizard in the third step makes that provision.
On the other hand, something like a Back charge to a Subcontractor would use a negative change order which adjusts the Subcontract Revised Value, the Commitment, and ultimately the Sub Invoice and payment. If you use this method, please remember this: https://help.sagecm.intacct.com/Content/GettingStarted/DataEntryNavigation_NegativeAmount.htm
You can also accumulate cost to be converted to a negative SCO as a back charge by using work orders: https://help.sagecm.intacct.com/Content/Modules/Documentation/WorkOrders/WOBackcharges.htm
If any of these solutions fits your needs, please message us back so we can change the status of your suggestion.