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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2024

Subcontract Issued to Project Owner for approval before the subcontractor approves.

Our current workflow is to have the owner/owner's rep sign the subcontract report. This authorizes us as the contractor to then contract with the subcontractor for the value they have presented against the budget. Is there a way to have the Issued to section reference the owner and not the subcontractor?

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  • Micah Botica
    Aug 30, 2024

    Thank you. We currently have a completly seperate Subcontract Agreement drafted by our attornies that we will be uploading as linked document for the subcontractor to sign. Option 2 sounds very close to what i am looking for. The question then becomes which docusign bookmarks are used to auto reference the clients information and prompt for signature? Or would we need to hardcode the clients information on the template and then have the owner place is signature on a line each time rather than them being able to click to sign?

    I do not have a need for the subcontractor to sign this document.

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    David Holler
    Aug 30, 2024


    I updated the Idea Description based on how I understand your idea. Please let me know if you have a better way of describing it that includes searchable terms that make it easy to others find, comment and vote on your idea.

    I can imagine two ways of doing this, but I am not sure if the first one is possible. We need to ask engineering and development team for some ideas as well. I propose we choose one:

    1.) Allow the workflow approval process to include an Alias Approver that can point to an external stakeholder similar to the way we handle Project Owners in the Project Directory and the Teamlink Portal Security Roles. I feel this would take a lot of effort and may not be possible.

    2.) We already have the ability to customize workflow and approval that can include a Project Owner on Subcontracts and PO's if you subscribe to an eSign application. Currently the only eSign App that has added their Integration to SCM is DocuSign, but we are open to others if they are interested. DocuSign provides another entire level of document control, workflow approval, and signature service above what Sage CM currently offers and would allow you to add the project owner to that approval process. This would work without any enhancement to SCM features.

    Does anyone else have an idea how this enhancement could work?

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