New Options in red.
Revised Prime Contract Status Options:
Pending Submission
Not Approved
Approved and Signed
Approved and Site Activity Complete
Approved and Closed
Revised Subcontract Status Options:
Pending Submission
Not Approved
Approved and Signed
Approved and Site Activity Complete
Approved and Closed
Notes regarding Approved, Approved and Signed, Approved and Site Activity Complete, and Approved and Closed:
Project Analytics would include these transactions.
Accounting Links for Sage Intacct, S100C, and S300CRE would show these contracts in the Posting Wizard.
I have expanded on this idea with SAGECM-I-581
Related to idea (SAGECM-I-486)... having these additional statuses does not add much value if users are not able to edit them. Per SAGECM-I-486, there are certain fields that should be editable even after a prime contract is synced down via the accounting link.
Some provision with regards to revisions of Prime Contracts would also be useful.
There is a great idea in the system (SAGECM-I-361) to allow for revising budget via some other means than change orders.
Ideally, if a revision is made, the status of the prime contract would change. This change would be captured in the audit trail (described in previous comment). This status would also be visible in the Accounting Link (SAGECM-I-482) allowing accounting to more easily identify changes to an existing prime contract.
The additional statuses (in particular - "Approved and Site Activity Complete") make sense.
I would add that some form of audit trail (similar to stages) would be a big value add. Ideally, a table would show each previous status, the date the status was modified, and the corresponding $ value.
I would also add that these statuses may be useful outside of just reporting and BI. There are often internal workflow implications to such status changes. For example, when a prime contract is "approved and closed", it is likely (at least in our business) that the corresponding project is ready to be archived. Increasing visibility to these statuses at a project level would allow users to more effectively carry out internal workflows without having to drill into each individual project or run different reports.