Users entering many purchase orders or invoices can easily forget to initiate the workflow, which then holds up the approval process without anyone being actively aware. The only way to catch this currently is if someone happens to go back into that specific project module and notice the item has been sitting for an extended time with no yellow or green workflow dot.
It would be very helpful for each user (or Admins overseeing all users) to see items they have created that have not been initiated in Work Flow.
This could be done a number of different ways:
On the Home>Workflow Tab
A report that could be run (e.g. Items created on XX/XX/XXXX date and not initiated for workflow after X number of days
An alert notifying the creator that an item was created X days ago and workflow has not been initiated.
Hi Jessica,
What do you think of the idea to automatically initiate a workflow once a record is saved or have an option like "Save & Initiate Workflow" at the bottom of any record with workflow enabled?
I do like the idea of adding any non-initialized records to the workflow tab in a "Workflows Not Initialized" section or something.