Yes that is what the original description of this ticket states is the problem. You have to click the three dots and click delete them one by one. If there are 30 owner cost codes and you have to delete them all it is 90 mouse clicks (3 per owner cost code) to get rid of them.
Owner Codes can be removed altogether from any project. Select a Project, Go to Client Contract Admin, Select Job Cost Code Table, click actions, click owner cost codes, next to each owner code click on the three dots [...], click delete. Here are two screen shots to help you find this feature:
When you use the Bulk Actions option, and pull down the list of Owner Codes, the first option is blank. Try selecting all Job Cost Code Lines, Click Use Bulk Actions, pull down the list of Owner Codes, and select the first option which is blank.
In Client Contract Admin > Job Cost Codes, have you tried selecting multiple Job Cost Code lines and then clicking Bulk Edit at the top left corner of the grid?
Attached is what will be submitted to the engineering team.
Yes that is what the original description of this ticket states is the problem. You have to click the three dots and click delete them one by one. If there are 30 owner cost codes and you have to delete them all it is 90 mouse clicks (3 per owner cost code) to get rid of them.
Owner Codes can be removed altogether from any project. Select a Project, Go to Client Contract Admin, Select Job Cost Code Table, click actions, click owner cost codes, next to each owner code click on the three dots [...], click delete. Here are two screen shots to help you find this feature:
I don't think this ticket is about removing the owner cost code from the job cost code. It is removing the owner cost codes from the job itself.
Do you feel making the first option on the list labeled 'None' would make that option clearer?
When you use the Bulk Actions option, and pull down the list of Owner Codes, the first option is blank. Try selecting all Job Cost Code Lines, Click Use Bulk Actions, pull down the list of Owner Codes, and select the first option which is blank.
In Client Contract Admin > Job Cost Codes, have you tried selecting multiple Job Cost Code lines and then clicking Bulk Edit at the top left corner of the grid?