Unable to Delete Cost Code when Employee Clocked in using that cost code
When helping customers clean up their cost codes lists after implementation, we ran into an issue trying to delete a cost code from the project. If an employee has clocked in using that cost code, we have no way to delete the cost code until the e...
As teams grow, divisions grow and we are working remotely, it is helpful to be able to leave internal notes at every step of the way. Having an Internal Notes section in every module would allow improved communication.
Allow for AR & AP invoices to sync from Intacct for updating job costs vs. GL transactions. This would allow for more detail in job costing as well as updating invoiced amounts on contracts, purchase orders, and subcontracts. Right now for tho...
Have the project manager assigned in SageCM sync to the project manager field when exported/created in SageIntacct. Similar to how project type in SageCM syncs to SageIntacct.
A big timesaver would be the option to right click on links within sage CM and press 'Open in new tab' currently, this is not an option that shows up on a right click.
James Arrowsmith
about 1 year ago
in Other
Future consideration
Automatic Reminders for overdue items requested from Subs/Vendors/Clients/Architects
It would be nice for Sage to send out auto reminders to vendors that for example, a submittal was due yesterday, and then again the next day until it is marked in the system. I know you can run a report to see whats open and manually send a remind...
Have different Items for each prime contract line in CM
In Intacct we have the ability to assign Item IDs to each contract line, this is very helpful as we have Avalara linked to our Intacct to automatically calculate sales tax for each invoice. So this causes us an issue with the invoices from CM comi...
Be able to rename a work order to something else, for example my Masonry client receives Purchase Orders from the County which are really Work Orders. The client would like to rename work order to purchase order to not have confusion for their team.
Adding Existing Company to Project from PO and Subcontract - Not Returning to Record Creation when Added
Currently from within the PO and Subcontract entry, when "Adding Existing Company to Project Directory" from a PO or Subcontract, it does not return to the record you started. It goes back to Procurement where you have to select either Purchase Or...