Center Click or right click links to open in new tab
In the company list, be able to center or right click the company link to open in new tab since you have to reload the company list every time and then scroll back down to find a company. Make all links on site able to be opened in a new tab so yo...
See attached where if change the colour of text in comments you can only see it in the edit screen. So when you when you are in view only in SCM or the comment is mapped onto document templates the font colour is black. Seems a bit pointless being...
It would be useful to see the total cost of all estimates under a lead or project in the main estimating page view. Headers are currently Estimate #, Estimate Title, Status & Status Date. If there was one more with Estimate Total it would be h...
Put the page number selection and number of entries per page at the top and bottom of the page so you don't have to scroll to the bottom to get to the next page
Everyone would benefit from it. Instead of having to scroll to the bottom of a page to select the next page or a different page, this option should be available at the top of the page
The ability to see the Equipment Type in the Equipment list
From the Menu >Equipment > Equipment Stats > Equipment Items Have the ability to: Add columns: Equipment Type & Location Filter by: columns Equipment Type & Location Otherwise in Settings (Global) what is the point of Settings >...
Mass Loading for Checklists on multi Prime Contracts?
We have several clients with many Prime Contracts under a Project and they use the same checklists for all Primes. If we could have the ability to check off multiple Primes to add checklists to, that would be super helpful.
In Particular Expiration Dates on Permits List, but in many modules there are informational items that would be super helpful to have column options on.
It would be nice to have the ability to sort by invoice due date on the workflow page. Currently, the invoice date and workflow due date are availble but the invoice payment due date is not.
It would be nice if there was a simple way to modify the templates, rather than only being able to adjust the email forms. Simple things like living in Canada, our address shows zip codes (usa) etc. A previous program we used had a whole template ...