We add linked photos with mark-ups to an RFI in Sage. It would be helpful if Sage could export the RFI document itself along with the linked files as one document. Some project partners don't want to have a Sage login, and it takes multiple steps for us to export the RFI as a PDF, then add the linked files back into it.
We already have a solution for that feature. Using the Custom Detail Report Templates you can download in Help (See the first Zip Download File in this topic:
From that list of templates, take the existing RFI Template and add the Linked Images Merge Table at the bottom of your RFI Template. Here is the help topic: https://help.sagecm.intacct.com/Content/Modules/Reporting/DetailReportTemplates/Correspondence/RFI_ToRespondent_ResponseRequest.htm
Look under the heading at the bottom for linked images.
There is even a sample you can cut and paste at the bottom of your template using MS Word: