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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Equipment Items
Created by Norman Wendl
Created on Sep 9, 2024

Equipment - Add Equipment Deployments Feature/Table

Where Shown:

  • Equipment Details Form (Sub-table | Single Equipment Item)

  • Equipment Module Landing Page (Multi-Equipment Items Link)

New Table Fields:

  • Location

  • Project

  • Status *

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Actual Start Date

  • Actual End Date

  • Reminder Date

  • Reminder Note

  • Reminder Assigned To (Internal User)

*Status Options:

  • User defined status options in Settings > Feature Settings > Equipment

  • Defaults:

    • Maintenance

    • On Hold

    • Pending

    • Scheduled

    • Deployed

    • On Hold

New Equipment Calendar, Home Alerts & Notification Dates:

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Actual Start Date

  • Actual End Date

  • Reminder Date

New Equipment Lists/Views on Eqp Module Landing Page | All Projects:

  • Current Deployment Listing

  • Current Deployment By Status (Kanban Style)

  • Current Deployment By Project (Kanban Style)

  • Attach files