If you want to add some additional stages you can't get them into the correct sequence as the stage number is used as key information (see attached)
The sequence is important for display order and how analytics and last stages works.
Main issue would generally be for newer accounts where they don't have defined lead stages while they are learning how the system can work for them but can be for older accounts where the business process has changed.
You can't just delete the stages and start again as there is history in existing leads. You can rename existing to get the sequence right but the problem with that is it changes the names of existing leads.
So only option you have is to delete all historic information and redo the stages and add old information back in or just use it out of sequence.
You used to be able to renumber the lead stages but one of the UI updates about 3 year ago changed that.
We usually try to work around it by deleting the original stages and adding some numbered 10,20,30 etc so we have gaps to add extra stages in down track if needed. But if miss setting this up it gets blocked from editing so being able to resort or renumber existing would make things much easier
Here was the old ticket about it where we were told it was the way the stage ID in the database was the issue
We believe the error message you receive when trying to change the sequential order number is a bug and we will submit a request to the Dev Team to work on this. Your other comments are solid suggestions and we value all of the ideas, suggestions, and enhancements you provide.