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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Already exists
Categories Project To Do
Created by Dan Skinner
Created on Aug 30, 2024

Action Item List

It would be very useful to be able to maintain an action item list within the project platform and assign individuals with in the project directory along with due dates. Need to be able to track status from open, in progress, closed. Need to keep all action items (even if closed) for project history (with an option to delete). As it is, one has to use 'issues' or the quality 'checklist' to do anything, but one cannot track/progress it and there is no option to show a status. One can only delete it when it is done.

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    David Holler
    Sep 3, 2024

    Great News! We already have that feature. From within an existing Project, go to Scheduling > Scheduling Overview > Project To-Do's.

    Here is a link to the help topic. Please let us know if this is not what you are looking for.