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Categories Submittals
Created by Micah Botica
Created on Aug 28, 2024

Copy submittal items to resubmission

When initiating re-submittals the submittal items should copy over to the re-submission so you don't have to type out all the submittal items again. This is highly inconvenient and inefficient.

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  • Micah Botica
    Aug 28, 2024

    Thank you, apolgoies for the oversite. Yes, option 2 is what I was looking for and only tried option 1 thinking they were the same thing. However, when attemptin option 2 i ran into an issue. I had 18 existing items and it would only let me copy the first 5 items, once the 6th item was selected the next button at the bottom would grey out. Is this a glitch or are we limited to 5 items?

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    David Holler
    Aug 28, 2024


    We have two ways to copy for resubmission:

    1. Submittal Details Page> Top right > below the actions button > select "Create Follow Up Submittal"

    2. Submittal Details Page > Select Action > select "Copy for Resubmission"

    I prefer option 2 because you can choose only the Submittal Items that need attention/action. Once you Copy Submittal, it will show up on the log as a child of the original submittal. Here are screenshots to help:

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