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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Norman Wendl
Created on Aug 23, 2024

Meetings - Items library that can be imported into New Business section.

These items would be set up in Settings | Feature Settings | Documentation.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Norman Wendl
    Aug 30, 2024

    Luke - We already have the ability to import previous meeting items but I think you would like to see us develop a Copy Meeting Wizard that makes this a little bit easier?

    1 reply
  • Admin
    David Holler
    Aug 30, 2024

    Luke, from the list of items you listed to copy over from previous meetings to future meetings, which does SCM currently not copy or make available for current or future meetings? Also, are we discussing the meeting feature under Documentation Module or under Safety Module, or both?

    When you say 'Items Library" have you considered the available feature to retrieve and include the 'Link Existing' option under the Linked Files Section? Also, in the Add Meeting Wizard you have the ability to add new files or Link Existing files. Every old meeting item can bring with it files from the previous meeting if they were attached.

    1 reply
  • Luke Hagler
    Aug 29, 2024

    The way we have seen meetings work in other systems is that you can copy over almost all of the information from one meeting to the next for the same meeting type within a job. So you can copy all the meeting information, location, subject, attendees, and meeting minute items. The minute items probably should be a separate process form the other items, as you may want to carry some forward and not others.