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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Kenani Brandon
Created on Jan 5, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit SAGECM-I-441 Job Set Up-Internal Stakeholders Customizable Roles.

Add additional contacts roles to the the Project Team on the dashboard Merged

We would like to be able to add on site contacts (many of our project partners require this) to reports and in order to do what we need to assign Superintendents and Project Engineers or Project Specialists to the project so we can then add that bookmark into the report. Right now only the PM, Bid and Sales roles are assignable, trackable, and available for reports. It would also allow for a quick way to view our companies entire project team from the dashboard. We could also use an Executive Project Manager area in the project info area. At a minimum an area to add the On Site Contact would be nice.