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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Jo Steiner
Created on Jul 25, 2024

Change default templates to custom templates

When selecting the template on a PO, Subcontract, etc., many times this is customized to client specifications. It would be great if there was a way to change the default to these custom templates, so that when user selects the Report, their custom template is the default.

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  • Marc Macialek
    Sep 26, 2024

    I like this suggestion! Especially if you can set default reports by project, so you can use each client's preferred template without so much clicking around.

  • John Drinkwater
    Aug 7, 2024

    We run into this a lot with invoicing, where we've customized a few very similar templates for each project billing type. Every print of an invoice takes 6 clicks: Reports >> Prime Inv Details >> Format >> Template >> Export Option >> OK. It's not a deal breaker, but is definitely annoying to be making the same selections over and over.

    Best case: add a checkbox to the modal 'make default', so the current selection would be reused every time within that project/prime (with this setting globally shared between users).

    Next best: change the default behavior of the modal to remember the last selection (for invoices this could be shared company-wide, for other features, it might make more sense to have this saved at the user level)

    For either of these cases, a one-click 'quick print' option using the default or last-used settings would be great, as it would reduce the 3 clicks of Reports >> Prime Inv Details >> OK (assuming the modal auto-fills correctly) to one.

    Improvement: Put PDF at the top of the export option list. If people are printing to .doc and modifying things manually...then what's the point of having this software in the first place? And sort the custom templates (if they exist) above the default templates.

  • Jo Steiner
    Jul 25, 2024

    Or like a "make default' button on each template section to allow for customized template to replace the default template in the system.

  • Jo Steiner
    Jul 25, 2024

    Yes, that would work. But I think an even better enhancement would be the ability to set defaults for templates throughout the system.

  • Molly Toledo
    Jul 25, 2024

    Hi David,

    I think what we were going for with this there a way to have the custom template be the default, so that they don't have to select from the list, could it automatically default to the custom template? If putting the custom template at the top of the list above the Sage Default would make this happen then that would be great.

  • Admin
    David Holler
    Jul 25, 2024

    Would having the custom detail report templates default to the top of the list resolve the need? If so, what happens when there are multiple custom detail report templates?