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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Prime Invoices
Created by John Drinkwater
Created on Mar 27, 2024

Mark Cost-plus Transactions as 'Invoiced'

This applies to Cost Plus and Cost Plus GMP contracts, which we use exclusively.

We are often need to bill out a contract before all the costs (bills/expenses/timecards/etc) are in. Reasons vary - client's FY closing and they request advance billing, when we pre-bill certain slow to pay customers, or if we reach a milestone under-budget and want to bill out a phase in a GMP project to 100%.

Once the remaining costs come in, they show up on our pre-billing reports and are available for import into future invoices.

Our current workaround is to create dummy invoices, gather up the relevant transactions, then manually adjust the invoice to $0. This is not practical in most cases, and has caused confusion.

I would like the ability to see the billed/unbilled status for timecards and similar transactions be able to manually update the property for ones which are not tagged to an invoice.

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  • Tim Smith
    Apr 4, 2024

    Would this not just be marking the transactions as unbillable because you have invoiced them already. Then they aren't going to show on prebilling or be available on future invoices