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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories TeamLink Portal
Created by Meredeth Dotson
Created on Mar 20, 2024

Add Team Link Portal Information to Contact Upload Template

Add fields for Team Link Information to the Contact Upload Template so that we do not have to do it manually.

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  • Mark Cadman
    Mar 22, 2024

    @Guest are you looking specifically for us to add a column for the External User and Username fields?

    2 replies
  • Meredeth Dotson
    Mar 21, 2024

    @Mark The Microsoft Excel Import Sample found at the link below does not contain fields for Team Link Portal Information. That means we have to manually enter the info inside of all 1905 contacts profiles that we have. Can you add these to a template so that we can do a mass upload.

    The attached screenshot is of the templates I am referring to above.

  • Mark Cadman
    Mar 20, 2024

    Hi Meredeth,

    What Contact Upload Template are you referring to? Can you add a screenshot?
    Thank you!