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Sage Construction Management Ideas Portal
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Categories Photos
Created by Jessica Whyde
Created on Mar 14, 2024

Photo "Uploaded By" & "Last Modified By" Fields

Currently, no one is able to see who uploaded photos to a project or lead. The only detail available, besides date of the upload, is "Mobile Upload" in the Comments section if the photo was uploaded through the app, and the this is left blank if the photo was uploaded on the web based version of Sage CM.

When you have multiple users uploading photos to the same project, you must go back via email/text/phone and try to track down each individual if you have questions or issues with the photo. This is often impossible if the issue/question comes up even a few days later since no one has time to go through hundreds of photos on their phones to see if they were the one to take a particular picture.

Each photo uploaded should have the name of the person who uploaded the photo and information on the name/date/time of each subsequent edit.

Submission requested by Mark Cadman @ Sage CM Support Team

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